Project Overview:
The segment of Barrington Street between North and Devonshire was a gap in the Barrington Greenway corridor, had sidewalk infrastructure in need of renewal, and had safety concerns due to narrow vehicle lanes. In conjunction with a DND construction project, this section of Barrington Street was rebuilt to improve safety, to address active transportation (AT) gaps and to prioritize transit. The project was originally piloted during construction mitigation and has now been implemented permanently.
This section of Barrington Street is part of a "greenway" connection between the existing Barrington Street Greenway, the Devonshire Avenue bicycle lane, and proposed (AT) connections to the Africville National Historic Site. In addition to the multi-use pathway, this project included upgrades to the sidewalk on the west side of the street and added transit priority measures for buses traveling southbound on Barrington Street.
View the full staff report for this project
Phase One:
Phase One of this project was completed in fall 2018 with the temporary installation of jersey barriers to create a protected space for people to walk and cycle on the east side of Barrington Street between North Street and Niobe Gate.
Phase Two:
Phase Two of this project involved the permanent installation of a multi-use pathway on the east side of Barrington Street between North Street and Devonshire Avenue. To make the street more accessible, the sidewalk on the west side of the street was upgraded. Transit priority measures were also added to the west side of the street for buses traveling southbound to allow them to avoid traffic where possible.
Phase Three:
Phase Three of this project involved extending the southbound bus lane between Glebe Street and Devonshire Avenue. The west lane (the lane closest to the curb) between Glebe Street and Richmond Street is used as a transit lane on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Parking will be permitted after 9 a.m.
The bus lane between Richmond Street and Devonshire Avenue is used at all times. There is no parking, day or night, on the west side (southbound) section of the street.
Project History:
Late 2019 – The bus-only lane was extended on Barrington Street (Glebe Street to Devonshire Avenue).
Fall 2019 - The bus-only lane and multi-use pathway on Barrington Street (Devonshire Avenue to North Street) was completed.
Spring 2019 – Construction of the permanent multi-use pathway began, along with upgrades to the sidewalk and transit priority measures on the west side of Barrington Street.
Fall 2018 – Temporary installation of the multi-use pathway on Barrington Street using jersey barriers. Staff monitored the project to influence design and installation of a permanent pathway.
September 2018 – Regional Council approved implementing the Barrington Street Complete Streets project based on the staff report.
December 2017 – Regional Council adopted the Integrated Mobility Plan, which identified the Barrington Greenway Extension project as a priority multi-use pathway and this part of Barrington Street as a transit priority corridor.
September 2014 – Regional Council approved Making Connections: 2014-19 Halifax Active Transportation Priorities Plan. This plan provided is direction to extend the Barrington Greenway from Niobe Gate to the foot of the Macdonald Bridge.