You may request to have a presentation placed on the agenda of an upcoming meeting of Regional Council, a community council, a standing committee, or a board, committee or commission.
Learn about attending in-person meetings in City Hall.
- Address one topic
- Are within the mandate of the body receiving the presentation
- Have up to two presenters
- Are up to ten minutes long
Immediately after a presentation, members of the council, board or committee may ask for clarification but there is no debate of the subject matter.
To submit a request for presentation, contact the Municipal Clerk’s Office. Requests must be in writing and should clearly outline the subject of the proposed presentation, whether there is a desired outcome, and the council, standing committee, board, commission or committee you would like to address. All requests for presentation will be considered during the agenda review process.
Possible outcomes of your request include:
- placement on an agenda
- referral to a different meeting group (standing committee, community council, or other board/committee)
- referral to staff
- determination that only written submissions will be received on the topic
- if subject matter is outside the jurisdiction of the Halifax Regional Municipality, refusal of the request
More detail regarding the process for considering requests for presentation is provided in Administrative Order One, Sections 19, 44 and 45 [PDF].
Your request, a copy of your presentation and any additional materials distributed will be posted to the website and form part of the public record.