Thursday, Oct. 13, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – Citizens are reminded they have until 7 p.m. this evening to cast a ballot through electronic or phone voting in the municipal and school board elections.
Once the 7 p.m. deadline passes residents will next have an opportunity to vote for municipal councillors, the mayor, and school board members on General Election Day, which is this Saturday, Oct. 15.
The only voting method on General Election Day will be through paper ballots at polling stations.
Polls open at 8 a.m. across the municipality and will close at 7 p.m. For information on where to vote, go to or call the voter helpline at 902-490-8683.
Within an hour after the polls close on Saturday, unofficial results will begin to appear on the Halifax Regional Municipality election website. The page will refresh every 30-60 seconds.
The process for counting and tabulating results involves several rounds of verification before posting, and timelines can vary from district to district and poll to poll. It is anticipated that all unofficial results will be posted by 11 p.m.
It’s important to note the municipality plays no role in declaring winners. Official results will be shared publicly on Tuesday, Oct. 18 after a full review of the results.
For those looking for updates on the election process throughout the day and into the evening on Saturday, the municipality is encouraging the public and media to visit
Note to media: Do not call the Elections Office with media inquiries. All media requests are to be directed to Brendan Elliott at 902.220.0414 and/or Any required service updates (e.g. if there is a significant delay in posting unofficial results) will be posted on and via Twitter (@hfxelections and @hfxgov) during General Election Day. The municipality plays no role in facilitating interviews with candidates. This is something media must arrange directly with individual candidates.