As a new employee, you are required to complete a number of pre-employment forms before beginning your work with the municipality. We are dedicated to making your transition as smooth as possible and supporting you on your new journey. Should you have any questions related to the pre-employment process, please email MyHR@Halifax.ca.
Pre-Employment Forms
As a new employee, you must complete the following forms and return them to your hiring manager two weeks before your start date:
- 2025 Government of Canada Personal Tax Credits Return
- 2025 Province of Nova Scotia Personal Tax Credits Return
- Electronic Payroll Notice Authorization
- Employee Information Form (include banking information/ void cheque)
Benefits Enrolment
Group benefits eligibility will be indicated in your employment offer letter.
Your Group Benefits plan is an important element of your total rewards package and balances a number of key objectives including:
- Promote health and wellness
- Protect your income while you are working
- Provide you and your family with enhanced wellbeing
Select the employee group that aligns with your new position. Review the benefits enrolment information and make the appropriate selections for you and your family’s needs. Complete the required forms and return them to Employee Services within 30 days of hire:
Halifax Regional Municipality
Employee Services- Human Resources
PO Box 1749
Halifax, NS
B3J 3A5
ATU Traditional Enrolment Form
Benefits at a Glance
Blue Cross- Health Coverage Booklet
Blue Cross- Long Term Disability & Life Insurance Booklet
SSQ- Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Booklet- CUPE 108
Enrolment FormInformation:
Benefits at a Glance
Blue Cross- Health & Dental Coverage Booklet
Blue Cross- Long Term Disability & Life Insurance Booklet
SSQ- Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Booklet
Voluntary Optional Coverage- IAFF
The Halifax Professional Firefighters (HPFF) have managed their member’s employee benefits since 1997. In 2006 the HPFF created a board of trustees to manage their benefits plans. The board takes a proactive approach to providing benefits to its members and strives to be innovative and on the leading edge of benefits plan design in Canada. Visit hpffbenefits.ca for more information.
The Halifax Regional Police Association offers a comprehensive tiered plan that provides options to better suit the needs of our members. For further information on the HRPA benefit plan, please contact Tara Livingstone at livingt@halifax.ca.
- Non-Union, NSUPE 14, & NSGEU 107
Flex Benefits Information Form
Flex Benefits Selection FormInformation:
Flex Benefits Enrolment Guide
Blue Cross- Health & Dental Coverage Booklet
Blue Cross- Long Term Disability & Life Insurance Booklet
SSQ- Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Booklet
Flex Health Spending Account (HSA) Info SheetInterns Only:
Flex Enrolment Form (for Interns Only)
Flex Benefits Selection Form (for Interns Only)- NSGEU 222
Enrolment FormInformation:
Benefits at a Glance
Blue Cross- Health & Dental Coverage Booklet
Blue Cross- Long Term Disability & Life Insurance Booklet
SSQ- Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Booklet
Voluntary Optional CoverageInterns Only:
Benefits at a Glance (for Interns Only)
Enrolment Form (for Interns Only)
Pension Enrolment
Pension eligibility will be indicated in your employment offer letter. The HRM Pension Plan is a defined benefit plan and is mandatory for all full-time permanent employees.
Pension contributions are calculated at 12.21% of your base salary (or 12.56% for public safety occupations). These contributions are matched by the employer.
Additional information about the pension plan is available at HRMPensionPlan.ca.
Please note:
1) Public safety occupations as defined by the HRM Pension Plan typically include HRPA sworn and IAFF positions. If you are uncertain if your position is a public safety occupation, please confirm this with your hiring manager.
2) Pension Forms are required to be signed and dated in ink.
3) On the Beneficiary and Spouse Designation Form, signatures are required for yourself and a witness at both arrows.
Return all three pension forms to Employee Services within 30 days of hire:
Halifax Regional Municipality
Employee Services- Human Resources
PO Box 1749
Halifax, NS
B3J 3A5
- Non- Public Safety Occupations
Pension Plan Enrolment Form
Pension Plan Beneficiary and Spouse Designation Form
Pension Plan Electronic Communication Consent FormInformation:
Pension Plan Information Booklet- Public Safety Occupations
Pension Plan Enrolment Form
Pension Plan Beneficiary and Spouse Designation Form
Pension Plan Electronic Communication Consent FormInformation:
Pension Plan Information Booklet