Digital standards

These standards are influenced by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative and the Government of Canada Standard on Web Accessibility.

These web design standards are currently being integrated into all websites operated and maintained by Halifax Regional Municipality and are continuing to evolve as technology changes.

  • Graphics and photographs - alternate text will be used on all graphics with a short intuitive description
  • Text alternatives - will be provided for all time-sensitive media. At minimum a description of the media (audio or video) will be provided
  • CAPTCHA - forms will have text or audio alternatives that identify and describe the purpose of non-text content
  • Browser compatibility - multiple browser testing is conducted on current versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox, Chrome, and Safari
  • External links - all external links will open in a new browser window

Standard applications & plugins for municipal websites

  • Web & mobile browsers - supports current and prior major releases of Microsoft Edge, Chrome, FireFox and Safari on a rolling basis. Each time a new version of one of these browsers is released, we begin supporting the update and stop supporting the third-oldest version. Mobile browser support includes iOS and Android

  • Search engine - Powered by Google
  • reCAPTCHA - Used to ensure responses to forms are generated by humans.
  • Sending e-mail - E-mail coming into e-mail addresses is limited to 10mb per message; if you are sending large attachments, please contact the recipient to arrange alternate delivery.