What will you find at the Municipal Archives?
Search the Archives Database to find details about records, publications and artifacts held by Halifax Municipal Archives.
At the Halifax Municipal Archives you will discover records (documents, maps, plans, photos, and audio-visual materials) from as early as the late-18th Century but primarily from 1900–2000. All relate to the history of the Halifax region, and especially the five municipal governments that were amalgamated into the Halifax Regional Municipality in 1996:
- City of Halifax, 1841–1996
- County of Halifax, 1879–1996
- Town/City of Dartmouth, 1870–1996
- Town of Bedford, 1979–1996
- Metropolitan Authority, 1963–1996
Community records
Community records are an important complement to historical government records. Because the Municipal Archives was created in 2006, other pre-existing repositories such as the Nova Scotia Archives, the Dalhousie University Archives, and others have substantial archival collections related to the region’s history. The Municipal Archives focusses on acquiring Community Records from organizations and individuals who were active in the region. Consider donating your own historical records.
Reference collection
Halifax Municipal Archives also holds published materials that were created by the municipal government or that are directly related to the region’s history, geography, governance, and services. This includes municipal government reports, community service publications, newsletters, local history publications, and brochures. These items are catalogued in the Archives Database.
Where else to look: local archives, libraries, and museums
These local repositories also have material related to the region’s history:
- MemoryNS - on-line guide to archival records in Nova Scotia
- Nova Scotia Archives - the provincial archives also holds Halifax community records
- Cole Harbour Heritage Farm Archives
- Dalhousie University Archives (records of Halifax area business, theatre, arts organizations)
- Dartmouth Heritage Museum
- Eastern Shore Archives (at Memory Lane, Lake Charlotte)
- Fort Sackville Foundation (Bedford records at Scott Manor House)
- Halifax Military Heritage Preservation Society
- Local History and Genealogy @ Halifax Public Libraries (local newspapers and obituaries)
- Mainland South Heritage Society (Jollimore, Spryfield areas)
- Parks Canada Halifax Citadel Library – 902.426.0685
- NovaMuse (database of NS museum collections)
- Pier 21 Canadian Museum of Immigration
- Regional Firefighters' Interpretation Centre
Archival/heritage associations: