March 21, 2025
Halifax Regional Council considered proposed changes to 30 Ridge Valley Road at a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Following the Public Hearing, Council gave Second Reading and approved the package with minor amendments. Please see the status section below for more details.
Universal Contract Limited, on behalf of Universal Properties Inc., is applying to amend the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and the Halifax Mainland Land Use By-law (LUB) to construct 2 new multi-unit dwellings on 30 Ridge Valley Road, Halifax:
(a) Building A (16-storey, 160 units); and
(b) Building B (10-storey, 138 units).
The applicant wishes to construct two (2) new multi-unit residential buildings on the subject site. The major aspects of the proposal are as follows:
• increase the number of units permitted;
• reduce parking requirements; and
• modernize requirements that impact the look and feel of the building.
The Development Plans (provided below) outline the development proposal in detail, and include information related to the location and height of the proposed buildings, parking locations, driveway access, and the applicant’s rationale and request.
The application has been included as part of the MPS and LUB Amendments considered through MINORREV-2024-001198.
Halifax Regional Council considered the proposed changes to 30 Ridge Valley Road as part of MINORREV-2024-001198 at a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Following the Public Hearing, Council gave Second Reading and approved the package with minor amendments.
The approved Council package is currently being reviewed by the Province. The notice of approval will be published when the review is complete. Please note that the changes do not take effect until the notice of approval is published.
For details on the Public Hearing, please visit the links below:
Through MINORREV-2024-001198 the subject site, 30 Ridge Valley, was proposed to be removed from the Halifax Plan Area and added to the Suburban Housing Accelerator (SHA) Plan Area.
Under the SHA Plan the site was designated and zones Housing Accelerator (HA) which permits a mix of uses including low-density residential uses (single-unit to four-unit buildings), townhouse developments, and multi-unit residential buildings with a maximum height of 8-storeys. Local commercial and institutional uses are also permitted on the ground floor of multi-unit buildings.
Additional information regarding the proposed amendments is available on the application page for MINORREV-2024-001198.
This notice was posted to this site on March 21, 2025, under section 221 of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. Additional studies may be requested during the review process. The relevant documents are linked below.
- Letter of Intention (PDF)
- Site and Floor Plans (PDF)
- Water and Wastewater Servicing Schematic (PDF)
- 30 Ridge Valley TIS -New (PDF)
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Brendan Lamb
Planner II
Regional and Community Planning
Telephone: 902.476.1699
Email: brendan.lamb@halifax.ca
Mailing Address
HRM Planning and Development
Regional and Community Planning
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Brendan Lamb