PLANAPP 2023-00159 - 107 Woodlawn Road, Dartmouth


FEBRUARY 7, 2025


On February 6, 2025, Harbour East – Marine Drive Community Council approved the application to rezone from R-1 to R-3 and enter into a development agreement to allow for a 5-storey apartment building with main level commercial space at 107 Woodlawn Rd., Dartmouth.


Application from Zzap Consulting Inc. on behalf of the property owner to rezone from R-1 to R-3 and enter into a development agreement to allow for a 5-storey apartment building with main level commercial space. 


  • An application has been made to rezone this property and enter into a development agreement. A development agreement is a legal agreement between a property owner and the Municipality to ensure a site is developed in a particular manner.
  • In the Dartmouth planning area, Community Council are able to consider entering into a development agreement to allow apartment buildings in residential areas, when certain considerations can be satisfied by the proposal.


The applicant wishes to construct a 5-storey mixed-use building. The major aspects of the proposal are as follows:

  • Approximately 39 residential units
  • 370 square metres of main level commercial space. Use of this space would be limited to “Neighbourhood Convenience Uses” which may include:
    • food and grocery stores,
    • personal service shops,
      • means services for the needs of individuals or pets, such as grooming and haircutting, tailoring and shoe repair, tattooing, depots for collecting dry cleaning and laundry, laundromats, warming and cooling centres, food banks, soup kitchens, drop-in centres, funeral homes, and the retail sale of products accessory to any service provided. Veterinary facilities, kennels, pet daycare uses and crematoria are not considered a personal service use.
    • local offices including offices of professional people providing personal services,
    • public offices,
    • restaurants,
    • veterinary clinics without outdoor runs.
  • 18 indoor parking spaces and an onsite loading space
  • Indoor amenity space for building residents
  • Location of public easement to allow connection of the existing public path to the Day Avenue sidewalk.

The Development Plans (provided below) outline the development proposal in detail, and include information related to the proposal. 


The application will be considered under the process for rezoning and development agreements.


TAKE NOTICE THAT Harbour East – Marine Drive Community Council did, on Thursday, February 6, 2025, approve the following:

PLANAPP 2023-00159 - Application from Zzap Consulting Inc. on behalf of the property owner to rezone from R-1 to R-3 and enter into a development agreement to allow for a 5-storey apartment building with main level commercial space.

Any aggrieved person, the Provincial Director of Planning, or the Council of any adjoining municipality may, within fourteen days of the publishing of this notice on the HRM website, appeal to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (902.424.4448), in accordance with the provisions of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.

This notice was posted to this site on Friday, February 7, 2025, in accordance with the requirements of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.

Documents Submitted for Evaluation

The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application.

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Dean MacDougall

Planner III

Current Planning

Telephone: 902.240.7085

Mailing Address

HRM Planning and Development

Development Services

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Dean MacDougall