PLANAPP 2023-00466 - Shore Drive, Bedford



Application by Sightline Planning + Approvals, requesting site specific amendments to the Bedford MPS and a development agreement to enable a private marina, boathouse, and multi-use court recreational facility on PID 40018079 as an accessory structure and uses to the two abutting properties at 9 and 23 Shore Drive, Bedford. (PIDs: 41462441 and 41462458).


The applicant wishes to amend the Bedford Municipal Planning Strategy and enter into a development agreement to construct a private recreation facility. The major aspects of the proposal are as follows:

  • The subject site has been leased to the applicant from the Halifax Port Authority for a term of 40 years
  • The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has issued conditional authorization for the infilling of the subject site 
  • The proposal would allow a private recreation facility at this property including a marina, a boathouse, a golfing facility, and a multi-use court
  • The use of the proposed facilities would be limited to residents of 9 and 23 Shore Drive.  

The Development Plans (provided below) outline the development proposal in detail, and include information related to site design, access, land use, and landscaping. 


The application will be considered under the Municipal Planning Strategy Amendment and Development Agreement process 


Currently this application is at the review team stage of the process where the request is reviewed by internal municipal staff from Development Engineering [including Traffic Services], Building Standards, Civic Addressing, Development Officer [By-laws], Fire Protection Services and Parkland Planning as well as externally by Halifax Water.

Public consultation has been completed for this application. You can find a summary of the feedback received here

Documents Submitted for Evaluation

The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office in Downtown Halifax. 

November 4, 2024

Revised Site Plan
Preliminary Landscaping Plan

May 16, 2024

Revised Planning Rationale

April 3, 2023

Planning Rationale - Superseded
Site Plan - Superseded
Infilling Authorization
Lease Agreement
Bedford Bay Estates Information

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Megan Backos

Planner III

Current Planning

Telephone: 902.478.9725

Mailing Address

HRM Planning Applications

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Megan Backos