Application by Zzap Consulting Inc. and Fares & Co. Development Inc. requesting Stage 2 Development Agreement approval for a 15-storey building in accordance with the existing Stage 1 Development Agreement for the remaining King’s Wharf development site.
1 Development Agreement. A Stage 1 Development Agreement is a contract between the landowner and the Municipality which says how land can be used, similar to a master plan. The Stage 1 Development Agreement allows a 15-storey building on this site (referred to a “Lot J”) but requires that a Stage 2 Development Agreement be entered before a building permit can be issued. The Stage 2 Development Agreement will lays out detailed building requirements specific to Lot J.
The major aspects of the proposal are as follows:
- 94 residential units, including 4 townhouse-style unit,
- Commercial/office space located on lower levels of the building,
- Underground parking which is accessed and attached through the neighbouring property (currently under construction),
- Indoor and outdoor amenity space, including an outdoor plaza-style area near the water’s edge.
It is noted that the Stage 1 Development Agreement requires that a secondary “grade separate emergency access” for King’s Wharf be constructed before Occupancy Permits may be issued for this building, however building permits can be issued to allow constructed to start before the access is complete. This application does not include the details of the grade separate emergency access, however an application for this access is anticipated in the near future.
This application is considered under the Non-Substantive Amendments process.
Please note that the Non-Substantive process is different than other planning application processes as the approving authority is a Development Officer of the Municipality. This application type does not include a public hearing/Council meeting or appeal period; however Staff nonetheless encourage any member of the public with comments or questions to reach out using the contact information below.
A detailed review of the proposal has been completed and drafting of a proposed Stage 2 Development Agreement is underway.
The next steps in the process is to complete and present a staff report to the Development Officer for decision. If approval is granted, the property owner can then apply for a building permit and commence construction.
To allow the application to progress, Staff kindly ask that any comments or questions be provided before April 2, 2025.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to evaluate the application. The below documents depict the proposed building and site design. The documents are also available for viewing by contacting the Planner below.
- Building Plans (PDF)
- Perspective Drawings (1/2) (PDF)
- Perspective Drawings (2/2) (PDF)
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Mailing Address
HRM Planning Applications
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Taylor MacIntosh