This application is currently in the Public Engagement stage. Comments and feedback are welcomed by members of the public until March 14, 2025. Please see below on the website for ways to participate and provide feedback.
Application by ZZAP Consulting Inc., on behalf of the property owner requesting to amend the existing development agreement for Brunello Links to enable a “Nordic/Wellness Spa” as a permitted use within the golf course.
The applicant wishes to amend the existing development agreement to allow a Nordic/Wellness spa as a permitted use within the area of the golf course. The major aspects of the proposed spa include:
• Outdoor hot & cold pools;
• Sauna;
• Steam rooms; and
• Resting areas
The Planning Rationale and Site Plan (provided below) outlines high-level details of the proposal. At this time, the specific location of individual buildings and spa features are not finalized. The site plan is provided to indicate where the use would be located and a general idea of the types of features/ amenities that would be included within the use. Exact locations of buildings and amenities for the use may change within the general area shown on the site plan. The proposal is to amend the existing development agreement to enable the Nordic/Wellness Spa as a permitted use within the development agreement. The construction of the spa would require a separate construction permit, not included in this process.
The application will be considered under the Substantive Amending Development Agreement process.
The application is now in the public engagement process. A mail out will be sent to the surrounding neighbourhood, in addition to a public survey created for members of the public to provide feedback. The survey can be found by visiting www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/planning-applications and scrolling to PLANAPP-2024-00458. Once the public engagement process has ended, a staff report will be drafted, to be considered by Halifax and West Community Council.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted a planning rationale for changes to the development agreement to include the Nordic/ Wellness Spa as a permitted use. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications Office at 5251 Duke St., 3rd Floor, Suite 300, Duke Tower, Halifax.
Planning Rationale
Site Plan
Traffic Impact Statement
Safety Assessment
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Mailing Address
HRM Planning and Development
Planning Applications
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Matt Conlin