DECEMBER 17, 2024
On December 16, 2024, Halifax and West Community Council approved the application to amend an existing development agreement for 2755 King Street (Richmond Yard), Halifax to allow the re-allocation of the total number of units permitted between buildings.
A substantive amendment to the existing development agreement for the Richmond Yards lands, to enable the re-allocation of the total number of units permitted between buildings.
The applicant wishes to substantively amend the existing development agreement to permit the re-allocation of units from Buildings A and B to Building E. Please see the site plan below for locations of the buildings. The buildings have already been constructed or are currently under construction, there is no proposed changes to the exterior or height of the buildings, only to alter the total number of permitted units within the three buildings.
The major aspects of the proposal are as follows:
- Building A will transfer 5 units.
- Building B will transfer 3 units.
- Building E will increase by 8 total permitted units.
- The substantive amendment will not result in any additional units being permitted on the site than what is already permitted within the development agreement. Total permitted units in Buildings A and B are being lowered, and those units are being re-allocated to Building E to increase the total permitted units within Building E.
The Development Plans (provided below) outline the development proposal in detail, and include information related to the site plan and planning rationale.
The application will be considered under the Substantive Amending Development Agreement Process.
TAKE NOTICE THAT Halifax and West Community Council did, on Monday, December 16, 2024, approve the following:
PLANAPP 2024-00928 - Application by Westwood Construction Limited for a substantive amendment to an existing development agreement for 2755 King Street (Richmond Yard), Halifax to allow the re-allocation of the total number of units permitted between buildings.
Any aggrieved person, the Provincial Director of Planning, or the Council of any adjoining municipality may, within fourteen days of the publishing of this notice on the HRM website, appeal to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (902.424.4448), in accordance with the provisions of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.
This notice was posted to this site on December 17, 2024 in accordance with the requirements of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office in Downtown Halifax.
- Site Plan (PDF)
- Planning Rationale (PDF)
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Mailing Address
HRM Planning Applications
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Matt Conlin