PLANAPP 2024-01794 - Solar Farm Use in the R-6 (Rural Residential) Zone in the Eastern Shore (West) Plan Area



Application to amend the Eastern Shore (West) Land Use By-law to permit Solar Farm use on lots with a minimum of ten acres in the R-6 (Rural Residential) Zone. 


View the site in Google Maps

There is a request to create a Community Solar Farm on lands between 324 and 378 West Petpeswick Road. The subject site (PID 40769598) currently has two zones applied to it – the MU (Mixed Use) zone at the rear of the site, and the R-6 (Rural Residential) zone at the front of the site where it has access along the West Petpeswick Road. Currently a solar farm use is permitted in the MU zone and is not permitted in the R-6 zone.  This request is to allow the use in the R-6 on parcels of land which are a minimum of ten acres. This amendment would allow the creation of a Solar Farm under the Nova Scotia Community Solar Program.

The Development Plans (provided below) outline the development proposal in detail for this site. 


The application will be considered under the Land Use By-law amendment process


Now that the engagement period is complete, Staff have asked the applicant to provide responses to those comments and questions heard during the engagement period. Those response can be found below titled “Engagement Q&A”. Staff are now drafting a report for review and consideration by the Harbour East - Marine Drive Community Council.

Documents Submitted for Evaluation

The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office in Downtown Halifax. These include:

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Craig Wournell

Planner II

Current Planning

Telephone: 902.221.0113

Mailing Address

HRM Planning Applications

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Craig Wournell