Application by Fathom Studio to amend the Fall River Business (FRB) zone in Planning Districts 14 & 17 Land Use By-Law to add ‘Vehicle Services’ as a permitted use.
The subject property comprises of 5 abutting lots totalling approximately 11.4 acres with frontage onto Falls Run, Fall River. The applicant is requesting a land use by-law (LUB) amendment to add ‘Vehicle Services’ as a use to the Fall River Business (FRB) zone under the Planning Districts 14 & 17 Land Use By-Law .
The applicant wishes to relocate an auto body shop ‘Chapman Auto’ from the north end of Halifax to the subject properties and this LUB amendment would allow this use on the subject property as of right.
The Development Plans (provided below) outline the development proposal in detail, and include information related to the location of the proposed development, the site plan and layout of the proposed use and additional information about the proposal.
The application will be considered under the Land Use By-Law Amendment process
The public engagement stage has ended. Thank you to those that provided comments.
Staff are now conducting a detailed review of the proposal and are in the process of drafting a staff recommendation which will be presented to the North West Community Council.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office in Downtown Halifax.
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Mailing Address
HRM Planning Applications
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Aastha Patel