Snapshot Feedback Form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

Personal Information
We would like to know who is using our data to better serve you in the future. Please select those that apply to you:
General Feedback
The dashboard is easy to use.
The dashboard’s purpose and content are clear and informative.
Measurements (key performance indicators) are relevant, clear, and meaningful.
Please rate your experience with HRM's Performance Dashboard.
Did you experience any problems while using the page?
Report a Problem

In accordance with Section 485 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), any personal information collected in this form will only be used by Municipal Staff and, if necessary, individuals and/or organizations under service contract with the Halifax Regional Municipality for purposes relating to the delivery and improvement of the Strategic Performance Snapshot and the information will not be presented or compiled in a manner that could potentially identify any respondent. 

If you have any questions about this form/survey, please call 311 or email