Neighbourhood Placemaking

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

In accordance with Section 485 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), any personal information collected in this form will only be used by municipal staff and, if necessary, individuals and/or organizations under service contract with the Halifax Regional Municipality for purposes relating to processing Neighbourhood Placemaking application forms.

If you have any questions about this form/survey, please call 311 or email

1. Project

Applications will be evaluated on the following weighted criteria:

  • The process of the project builds relationships in the wider neighbourhood /70
  • There are 4 Core Team members, where at least 3 are neighbours Pass/Fail
  • Related property owner or HRM departments have, or likely will, give permission to use the land Pass/Fail
  • Realistic timeline /15
  • Realistic budget /15

2. Core Team Members

Core team must have a minimum of four members. There is no maximum. A minimum of three members of your core team must be residents of the neighbourhood.

(name and email address only)

3. Project Details

Describe who from the neighbourhood you and the Core Team will contact (eg. families, seniors, neighbourhood associations, specific businesses, not-for-profit groups, group homes, etc.). How will these target groups be involved? Consider any existing community events with which you can partner.
Describe where additional volunteers beyond the core team will come from for the celebration day. Consider the skills needed and time commitment required.

4. Timeline

Please provide a draft project timeline.

5. Workshop Participation

Your core team will attend a series of workshops.
Workshops will run from January to March. If you need or want to send other neighbours to the workshops to represent your project, you are welcome to.

6. Location

Proposed Location(s) of your project.
(for asphalt painting, name the street intersection, location of path, name of court etc, to be painted)

7. Celebration/Creating Day

8. Artist

If you will be working with a professional artist we recommend planning to have your artist attend 1 to 3 of your engagement sessions with your neighbourhood. The artist should be prepared to use input from the neighbourhood to create their draft design. Results are best when they present their design to the neighbourhood in person for feedback. The Core Team will also need to give HRM the draft design for approval. The artist will make themselves available for edits.

Please elaborate.

9. Budget

Please show the total cost of your project.
Description + Amount
Please identify what additional support has already been confirmed.

10. Applicant