Species and age class diversity are crucial to the health of HRM's urban forest. Species variety increases resilience again pests and diseases, and mixing tree age ensures the longevity of the urban canopy. While a mix of native species are prioritized for planting in the right of way, non-native species are also planted to further buffer against pests and diseases. Those selected have demonstrated growth tolerance to urban conditions and a changing climate.
HRM plants a variety of species, including, but not limited to those listed below (our planting list is adapted on an ongoing basis). A subset of these species are included in a vegetation management agreement between HRM and Nova Scotia Power. This means that certain species (of a particular size, wood strength, and/or structure) are approved for planting under power lines - the exact list of species changes depending on the arrangement of the overhead infrastructure.
Acer platanoides (Norway Maple) is a dominant species of HRM's urban forest. While it is a resilient species in many ways, it is invasive and comes with a variety of complications such as girdling roots and weak unions. HRM is slowly phasing this species out by no longer planting it, thus it is not listed below.

Related files
- HRM Street Tree Brochure (PDF)