2015 October Trail Challenge



Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is challenging all residents to get out this month and explore the numerous trails throughout our region.

October is a colourful and vibrant month to discover our beautiful municipality. Whether it’s taking the dog for a walk, going for a run, pushing a baby stroller, or cycling with friends, the physical and overall health benefits of getting out in the fresh air are abundant.

As if the fun, beauty and adventure of each trail wasn’t enough, residents have a chance to win some great prizes in our October Trail Challenge.

To enter the challenge, visit www.halifax.ca/rec. Share some of your favourite photos and experiences through social media using the hashtags #hfxrec and #hfxtrails.

Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

  • Individual or family – $100 credit toward Halifax Parks and Recreation programming, ‘A for Adventure’ children’s book, a Halifax Adventure Trails book, or pedometers
  • Community group – $250 toward an outdoor physical activity initiative
  • School - $250 toward an outdoor physical activity initiative

All prizes will be randomly drawn after the challenge closes on Oct. 31.

Find easy to use trail maps in your community by visiting www.halifax.ca/trails

If you want to spend time outside with your family but are unsure where to start, join us for two ‘Play in Nature’ family workshops this month (all ages, drop in, no cost).

Adventure Earth Centre (Sir Sandford Fleming Park)
Sunday, Oct. 18
2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Shubie Park (Dartmouth)
Sunday, Oct. 25
2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Please bring a refillable water bottle, closed toed footwear, and clothing appropriate for the weather (warm layers, rain gear etc.). Please call 902-490-4539 for more information or on the day of the program in case of cancellation.

This fall…fall in love with our trails.
