Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising heritage property owners to begin preparation of their 2016-17 applications for grants available through the Heritage Incentives Program and the Barrington Street Heritage Incentives Program.
Both grant programs are aimed at assisting heritage property owners in the maintenance of municipally registered heritage properties, and properties located within a Heritage Conservation District.
The Heritage Incentives Program and the Barrington Street Heritage Incentives Program are available annually from Apr. 1 to Mar. 31, with applications accepted each year from Jan. 1 to Mar. 1. Property owners within the Barrington Street Conservation District should be aware that they can only apply to one of the two heritage incentive programs at one time. Please note that 2016-17 marks the final year the municipality will be accepting applications under the Barrington Street Heritage Incentives Program.
Heritage property owners are encouraged to take the opportunity in advance of the Jan. 1 to Mar. 1 application period to review the grant program requirements and criteria.
For program application forms and additional program details, visit