Monday, Dec. 7, 2015 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to attend a second presentation and open house being held to discuss the future development of 6067 Quinpool Road, the former Saint Patrick’s High School property.
When: Wednesday, Dec. 9, 6 to 8:30 p.m. (presentation at 6:30 p.m.)
Where: Atlantica Hotel (Guild Hall), 1980 Robie Street, Halifax
The objective of this meeting is to present draft land use by-law regulations and municipal plan amendments that will guide the future design and development of the site. The recommended approach for the 3.5 acre property is based on the technical expertise of project consultants and municipal staff, as well as feedback received during the first round of public consultation held in July.
For those residents unable to attend Wednesday’s open house in person, presentation materials will be made available online at following the meeting, on Dec. 10, 2015.
Regional Council declared 6067 Quinpool Road surplus municipal property in 2014 and the land is now being prepared for future sale and development. The building on the site is currently being demolished.
The property requires its zone to be changed through an amendment to the area’s plan policy. This will permit a mixed-use development with a focus on urban design and built form. The process to amend the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land-Use By-Law for the site requires a public hearing subsequent to the Dec. 9 open house.
For more information on the 6067 Quinpool Road property, the plan amendment process and site preparation, visit