April vehicle/pedestrian collision stats



As part of our continued focus on pedestrian safety, Halifax Regional Police and Halifax District RCMP have committed to releasing a monthly vehicle/pedestrian collision report to provide police and citizens with more contextual information on this issue.

During the month of April, there were 15 vehicle/pedestrian collisions in Halifax. Twelve of these took place in HRP jurisdiction and three occurred in RCMP jurisdiction. Year over year, this represents an increase from the 11 incidents reported in April of 2014. For the first quarter of 2015, pedestrian/vehicle collisions decreased 22% year over year.

Forty-nine per cent (32) of vehicle/pedestrian collisions reported between January 1 and April 30 of 2015 occurred in crosswalks, compared to 64% (53) in 2014. Of the 65 pedestrians involved:

19 reported no injury
35 experienced minor injuries
8 experienced moderate injuries
2 passed away as a result of the collision
1 did not report their injuries to police
The full monthly report is available online at:
