Canada Revenue Agency scam still targeting citizens



Canada Revenue Agency scam still targeting citizens 

Police are again warning citizens of a scam involving fraudulent emails and phone calls purporting to be from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

This month, the Financial Crime Unit of the Integrated Criminal Investigation Division has been made aware of numerous reports from citizens who have been contacted by a suspect claiming to be from the CRA. The suspect asks for personal information, says that they owe the CRA a sum of money, or tries to get them to purchase pre-paid credit cards. In some cases, the suspect threatens the victim with potential jail time or deportation, and uses aggressive and forceful language.  

These emails and phone calls are not legitimate. If you receive such a call, hang up. More information on the scam is available from the CRA website: 

Investigators remind citizens to be wary of any calls or emails asking for money and to make sure the situation is legitimate before sending money or making a donation. You should also refrain from providing personal information, whether the solicitation occurs by telephone, email or in person, unless you have initiated the contact or you are certain of the identification of the person and the legitimacy of the organization they claim to represent. Providing personal information such as your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and date of birth could lead to identity theft.

There have been no victims of this scam at this point that police are aware of. If you’ve lost money or provided personal information as a result of this scam, please report the matter to your local police. There is no need to call police to report that you’ve been contacted in relation to this scam if you’re not a victim.