(1:05 p.m.)
In their continued effort to address road safety issues and educate citizens on the rules of the road, the HRP/RCMP Integrated Traffic Unit is concentrating their efforts on combatting impaired driving throughout the month of December.
During “Operation Christmas,” the unit will conduct checkpoints throughout the region to ensure that drivers on our roadways are sober and educated on the dangers of getting behind the wheel after drinking. Driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs puts everyone in danger. HRM Partners in Policing encourage citizens to help keep our roads safe by calling 911 if you believe someone is driving while impaired.
In the first weekend of December, 17 people were arrested or received suspensions by police for impaired driving related offences. Seven men and three women were charged for Operation of a Motor Vehicle While Impaired by Alcohol. Four men and one women received a seven day suspension and two male drivers were issued a 24 hours suspension. Seven people were found to be operating a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol at checkpoints across HRM. Traffic stops accounted for six incidents and the public reported four incidents of impaired driving.
In November, the unit focussed on vehicle safety inspection compliance and vehicle insurance. There were a total of 1,440 Summary Offences Tickets issued during the month for a variety of offences, 580 by the HRP/RCMP Integrated Traffic Unit.