Wednesday, June 17, 2015 (Halifax, NS) – Green up those thumbs and embrace your inner gardener this weekend at one of the many fun, free events the Halifax Regional Municipality is hosting in honour of National Garden Days.
National Garden Days is an annual three-day celebration of public gardens and green spaces across Canada. It kicks off on the Friday before Father’s Day, which this year is June 19, and continues through the weekend.
Activities in the Halifax region include a book reading, botanical tours and a Planting with Preschoolers event at the Public Gardens, outdoor yoga, an herb walk with herbalist Sarah Muir, a Mi’kmaq drumming circle and much more.
The highlight of the weekend will be a fun, informal talk on growing veggies, herbs and fruits with Maritime Garden Days spokesperson and award-winning author, Niki Jabbour, on Saturday, June 20. Niki will share some tips for a bumper crop of homegrown food, as well as spotlight some of her favourite crops to grow. Bring your questions, as Niki will be happy to answer them during and after the talk.
Organized by the Canadian Garden Council, National Garden Days draws attention to our cultural garden landscape, history and innovations, and underscores the importance of public and private gardens, the values of home gardening and the promotion of environmental stewardship.