Thursday, June 23, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – The municipal Planning & Development team is hosting an open house about the Centre Plan project, which is focused on options for future growth in the Regional Centre.
When: Monday, June 27, 6 – 9 p.m. (Presentation repeated at 6:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.)
Where: Citadel High School, Portia White Atrium, 1855 Trollope Street, Halifax
The Centre Plan team will share their analysis of the impacts of different growth scenarios for the Regional Centre, an area that encompasses the Halifax Peninsula and Dartmouth inside the Circumferential Highway. Various options for distribution of development throughout the Regional Centre, and what design and scale of buildings may be accommodated in those areas will be discussed. Additionally, staff will be looking to explore the opportunities and challenges that different options represent for our communities.
This is the latest in a series of public consultation events being held on the Centre Plan project, as part of a significant public engagement process. Following this event, another round of smaller, community workshops will be hosted over the summer months as we dig deeper into the policy development process, and take the opportunity to share with many groups the results of our analysis that will support the Centre Plan.
For those residents unable to attend the open house in person, we encourage you to engage with the Centre Plan online at; material presented on June 27 will be posted there on Tuesday, June 28.
The website also contains project background material, information on key plan policy themes, opportunities to provide feedback, and an overview of ‘what we heard’ at the project kick-off event held in March and the neighbourhood workshops that took place in May.