(12:54 p.m.)
Throughout the month of February, citizens and HRM Partners in Policing joined forces to continue the fight against drinking and driving.
In February, police charged 39 people (32 men and seven women) ranging
in age from 22 to 71, with impaired driving. Of these incidents, 17 were
identified by police during their patrols, 11 were identified after a
collision had occurred and 11 were called in by concerned citizens.
One case involved impairment by drugs and two people charged with impairment by alcohol had a blood alcohol reading of more than three times the legal limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. Officers also issued an additional 16 suspensions to people having a blood alcohol level between 50-80 mg%.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs puts everyone
in danger. In December 2009, MADD Canada and the Province of Nova Scotia
launched 'Campaign 911' which encourages people to call police with
information on suspected impaired drivers. HRM Partners in Policing
continue to be encouraged by the number of citizens helping to play a
role in community safety. If you have information on a drunk driver,
please call 911.