Thursday, July 20, 2017 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is pleased to announce that the Low Income Transit Pass Program has reached capacity for 2017-18.
The program has an annual capacity of 1000 people, which was reached this week. The program allows approved residents the option of purchasing a monthly transit pass at the reduced rate of $39 per month. Applications continue to be accepted in person at any municipal service contact center, by email or regular mail, with approved applicants placed on a waitlist.
The program period is from July 2017 to July 2018. Residents must apply each year with the 2018/2019 enrolment tentatively scheduled for May 2018.
To qualify, you must be a resident of the municipality and have a combined gross household income of less than $33,000, and do not receive a transportation subsidy under the Nova Scotia Employment Support and Income Assistance Program.
For more information on the Low Income Transit Pass Program, or to access the application form, please visit the website or call 311.