Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents that beginning Tuesday, Feb. 2, the lower section of Rainnie Drive in Halifax will be renamed as part of Gottingen Street.
Last year, as part of the North Park Intersection Redesign project, Rainnie Drive was realigned and permanently converted to a one-way street between Cogswell Street and Gottingen Street. The change has helped ensure the new roundabout operates more safely and smoothly, simplifying the intersection from six legs to four.
The change also resulted in Gottingen Street and the lower portion of Rainnie Drive becoming one continuous street. Vehicles turning off of Rainnie at the intersection with Gottingen now have to stop at the stop sign and make a right angle turn to continue downtown.
Municipal civic addressing policies require that a continuous street shall have one name throughout its length and that no street name shall be continued through a right angle turn. The same policies also require that when considering renaming a public street or private road, Civic Addressing should choose a solution that addresses public safety concerns.
The matter was discussed with the municipality’s Civic Addressing Public Safety Committee, which includes representatives from Fire Services, Halifax Regional Police, RCMP, EHS and the Nova Scotia 911 Service. As a result, staff recommended renaming the lower section of Rainnie Drive and Regional Council approved the recommendation at its meeting on Nov. 24, 2015.