In their continued effort to enhance road safety and educate citizens on the rules of the road, members of the Halifax Regional Police/RCMP Integrated Traffic Unit are focusing on motorcycle and bicycle safety awareness during the month of May.
With the weather warming up, motorcyclists and cyclists alike are hitting the roads and trails for another season. Officers in the Traffic Unit remind all two-wheeling enthusiasts to ensure their bike is in good working order and to adhere to the rules of the road and always wear a helmet. Whether riding a bike or motorcycle, wearing a helmet is mandatory. Failing to wear a helmet or failing to wear a helmet with the chin strap properly fastened carries a fine of $147.70 for a first offence and increases for subsequent offences.
During April, the Unit’s focus was driver distraction and cell phone compliance. Officers issued 1,710 Summary Offence Tickets issued for a range of violations during the month, including 259 for cell phone violations under the Motor Vehicle Act.