Le texte en français suit.
The Halifax Regional Municipality is seeking volunteer applications for a variety of municipal boards, committees, and commissions. Online applications will be open from Thursday, Oct. 22 until Monday, Nov. 9.
Municipal boards, committees, and commissions consist of councillors, citizens, and industry representatives. These groups provide recommendations to Regional Council, community council, or standing committees, and serve as an important part of decision-making processes.
The municipality is seeking board, committee and commission members that are reflective and inclusive of residents from the Halifax region. The volunteer positions will begin December 2020 or January 2021. Meeting schedules and formats will vary between committees, please consult for details on each committee.
The following volunteer opportunities are currently open:
Please note: many boards are seeking “at large” positions, meaning anyone can apply. Some boards are recruiting specific designations – this is done because Regional Council has determined that specific expertise, background, or experience is required to achieve the mandate.
Internal boards:
- Accessibility Advisory Committee: positions for three persons with disabilities, one community member (including parents and advocates)
- Active Transportation Advisory Committee: positions for one at large, one youth representative (between the ages of 18 and 30), one representative of a group that promotes walkability
- Audit and Finance Standing Committee: positions for two community members with accounting designations and public sector experience
- Design Advisory Committee: positions for two architects and two landscape architects
- Design Review Committee: positions for one at large, one professional at large, one structural engineer, two architects and two landscape architects
- Grants Committee: positions for four at large
- Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee: positions for four community members at large
- Heritage Advisory Committee: positions for five at large
- Investment Policy Advisory Committee: positions for four at large
- North West Planning Advisory Committee: positions for four community members at large
- Point Pleasant Advisory Committee: positions for six at large
- Regional Watershed Advisory Board: positions for two at large, two water-related professionals, one representative from an Environmental NGO or recreation organization, one research scientist who is current faculty at a post-secondary institution
- Special Events Advisory Committee: position for one representative from a business tourism organization
- Western Common Advisory Committee: positions for one local business representative, one local resident at large)
- License Appeals Committee *NEW: positions for three residents with experience in administrative law
External or staff boards:
- Community Liaison Committee – Ragged Lake Facility: positions for one local resident, one at large
- Halifax Regional Library Board: position for one at large
- Metropolitan Regional Housing Authority: positions for two at large
- Police Diversity Working Group: position for one African Nova Scotian Youth (between the ages of 16 and 25)
- Shubenacadie Canal Commission: positions for two at large
- Taxi & Limousine Liaison Working Group: positions for one Transportation Network Company representative, one independent Taxi Broker
Interested residents are encouraged to complete an online application form at Additional information that may assist in the selection process, including a cover letter and resume, can be emailed to Applications must be submitted by no later than Monday, Nov. 9.
For more information, click here. For questions about the application process, residents may email or call 902-490-4210.