May 13-19 marks National Road Safety Week 2014, a national campaign that aims to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world.
During this time, police urge motorists to be especially aware of pedestrians and to direct full attention to their driving. Distracted driving, impaired driving, speeding and crosswalk and stop sign infractions are large contributors to pedestrian accidents and fatalities.
Responsibility also falls on pedestrians. Pedestrians are reminded to make eye contact with drivers and to wait until vehicles come to a complete stop before attempting to cross the road at marked and unmarked crosswalks. Shared care and responsibility between road users and pedestrians mean more lives saved.
This year, HRM Partners in Policing will share a number of safety tips and videos on their social media sites. Our hope is to educate citizens by providing information through postings, videos and discussions.
Spring is a great time to inspect your vehicle. Make sure that your tires and windshield wipers are in good condition, all lights are working and that fluids are topped up. All of these contribute to road safety.
Follow us on social media this week for information on road safety.