National Victims of Crime Awareness Week



 (1:48 p.m.)

As part of National Victims of Crime Awareness Week (April 22 - 28), Halifax Regional Police reaffirms our commitment to helping victims of crime.

Halifax Regional Police works hard to prevent crimes from occurring. In the cases where someone is a victim of a crime, there is a unit dedicated to helping people cope. Halifax Regional Police Victim Services was established in 1996 and has the following goals:

To enhance the services provided by Halifax Regional Police to victims of crime with specific emphasis in the area of intimate partner/spousal abuse,
provide a coordinated response to crime victims in cooperation with community agencies, and
increase police officers' awareness of victims' issues and community-based services for victims of crime.
The unit is staffed by four full-time staff and 25 volunteers who give countless hours of their time every year to helping victims of crime. Last year they handled over 1,260 cases. Some of the services they provide include:

Providing case information, such as the status of the investigation, charges, how to contact the investigating officer,
offering emotional support or services as needed, and
providing information or referrals to existing community services that may be required by the victim.

This year to mark National Victims of Crime Awareness Week, the unit has received funding from the Canadian Department of Justice Victim’s Fund to further enhance the training of people who work in Victim Services. The training is designed to help staff and volunteers understand the victimization experience within the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (GLBTI) Community.

Anyone wishing to speak to someone from the HRP Victim Services can call 490-5300. More information on the Unit can be found at