Thursday, Mar. 3, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – Unseasonably warm temperatures this week created very challenging conditions to maintain a quality skating surface on the Emera Oval, therefore leading to the end of ice skating for the winter season.
Over 120,000 participants visited the Emera Oval during the 2015/16 winter skating season, demonstrating the continued popularity of this signature recreation facility for residents of all ages.
Don’t despair; Parks and Recreation staff are keen to keep the facility open for use through the upcoming March Break, March 14 to 18, and are now preparing the Emera Oval to accommodate inline skating instead.
The ice chillers have been turned off and staff are now working hard to prepare the oval surface and stock the new Pavilion building with our free inline skates and associated equipment. Residents are reminded that inline skates, helmets and other equipment is available for borrowing onsite in a variety of child and adult size options. A valid government issued I.D. is required to sign out equipment. A reminder that all users are required to wear a helmet while using inline skates, bikes, scooters, etc., as per provincial regulations.
The municipality will have the site ready for inline skaters beginning Friday, Mar. 4, (weather permitting), and will commit to keeping the facility open on a posted public skating schedule - including continuation of our free lessons - through to the final weekend of March Break. At that time, the Emera Oval will close for the winter season and begin official preparations for the summer skating season later this year.
Residents are advised to stay tuned to and @SkateHRM on Twitter over the next few days for more details on inline skating schedules.
The municipality thanks residents for their patience and cooperation as we adjust the facility operations, and hope residents will join us at the Emera Oval for an inline skate over the next few weeks.