Police Advising Public of Break and Enters



(5 p.m.)
Halifax Regional Police are advising citizens about a number of residential break and enters in Halifax.

Over the last three weeks, ten residential break and enters have occurred in the area bounded by Barrington Street, Duffus Street and Memorial Drive. In many of the incidents, the suspect(s) gained entry through a window at the rear of the home or through an unlocked door. A 16-year-old youth was arrested and charged in one case, and officers with the HRP/RCMP Integrated General Investigation Section continue to investigate the other incidents.

Halifax Regional Police reminds citizens to ensure your doors and windows are secure and that you activate your alarm when you go out or even when you are sleeping. Residents are also encouraged to call police if they observe suspicious activity. Visit HRP’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/hfxregpolice to view a video with simple tips on protecting your home from thieves.