On December 11 at 2:20 a.m., Halifax Regional Police patrol members spotted a vehicle driving suspiciously. It was showing several signs of the motorist potentially driving while impaired, including weaving in and out of its lane. After the vehicle was stopped and further investigation, the driver, a 20-year-old woman Halifax, was charged with impaired operation of a conveyance and refusal of the breathalyzer.
Subsequent to these interactions, a canister of prohibited sensory irritate spray was located. As a result, the driver and two men from Halifax, one 19-year-old and a 20-year old were charged with weapons related offences. All are pending release with future Halifax court dates.
During the night, proactive patrols like these (unrelated to the above) in Halifax, Dartmouth and Bedford resulted in another impaired operation of a conveyance matter as well as a 7-day driving suspension, all alcohol related.
During the month of December, community members can expect to see additional dedicated enforcement for impaired driving.