Police issue summary offence tickets for failing to follow Health Protection Act



Police issued three summary offence tickets in two separate incidents this weekend for failing to follow the Health Protection Act.

On May 7 at approximately 8:30 a.m. police investigated a report that a man was not following provincial regulations while in the public areas of a Bedford apartment building. Officers attended and found that the man was not wearing a mask while in the public areas of the apartment building. The provincial regulations require everyone to a wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth while present in a public place. The officers issued a summary offence ticket to the 40-year-old Bedford man under section 71 (1) (b) of the Health Protection Act for failing to comply with the act and its regulations which carries a fine of $2,000.

On May 7 police responded to a report that a 17-year-old Halifax youth was not self-isolating as required by the Department of Health. Officers issued a summary offence ticket to the youth under section 71 (1) (b) of the Health Protection Act for failing to comply with the act and its regulations which carries a fine of $2,000. On May 9, police responded to a report that the youth was again not self-isolating, and officers issued the youth a second ticket under the same section of the Health Protection Act.

HRP is reminding everyone to follow the current public health measures related to the COVID-19 emergency. We strongly advise members of the public to continue to educate themselves on these public health directives and COVID-19 enforcement measures, including those related to illegal gatherings and associated fines, at https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/.

  Enforcement of these restrictions remains a vital part of the overall strategy to curb the pandemic. We all must follow the rules and do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. More information on what you can do to help curb the spread of COVID-19 is available on the Halifax Regional Police website