Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents and key stakeholders to attend a public information session being held next week to kick-off the detailed design phase of the Cogswell Redevelopment Project.
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (presentation at 6:30 p.m.)
Casino Nova Scotia, Schooner Room
1983 Upper Water Street, Halifax
This event will feature a welcome from Mayor Mike Savage, a project update from the Project Director, John Spinelli, an opportunity to meet the newly-hired Prime Design Consultant, and a chance to engage with project staff and other key stakeholders.
The Cogswell Redevelopment Project is a multi-year construction project that will result in the dismantling of the currently underutilized, 45-year-old traffic interchange, which will be replaced with a new street grid, high-quality open spaces and redeveloped public and privately-owned lands.
The project is a significant undertaking that is intended to rebuild the historic heart of our region. It’s paramount that the public is engaged throughout the redevelopment process as we fine tune details regarding traffic management and construction mitigation during demolition, open space and land use planning, and ensuring neighbourhood connectivity through integrated transit, active transportation and routes for private vehicles.
For more information on the Cogswell Redevelopment Project visit