Wednesday, July 27, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality advises that yesterday’s decision regarding bicycles with trailers has been amended. Bicycles with trailers of any kind will be permitted on the ferry while policies and procedures are being reviewed.
Passenger safety remains the priority of the municipality when allowing these devices on board Halifax Transit ferries.
Two-wheeled electric and gas-powered scooters will remain off limits on Halifax Transit ferries. These vehicles are no longer permitted due to concerns for passenger safety and inadequate storage. Drivers of these vehicles are encouraged to use alternate routes and/or another means of safe transportation, including public transit, without bringing their vehicle on board.
Electric power-assisted bicycles with a small, electric boost motor are permitted, as are Segways.
Conventional bicycles are to be placed in the racks provided. If the racks are full, the bicycle must remain “in the hands” of the owner at all times. Passengers with bicycles or Segways may not block accesses to the loading doors, nor shall they impede the movement of other passengers. Passengers with bicycles or Segways are asked to be courteous and allow other passengers to board or depart the ferry first, and avoid impeding the passage of fellow travellers both in the terminal and on the terminal ramp.