All Online Services
Apply for a Vendor's License
- Online ServiceApply for a Vendor's License
Building Related/Additional Permits
- Online ServiceApply for building related/additional permits - demolition, blasting, grade alteration, and lot grading.
Commercial Building Permits
- Online ServiceApply to make changes to existing buildings, new buildings, signs & application to occupy.
House and Home Permits
- Online ServicePermits for home improvements, new home construction, developing your property.
Nova Scotia Directional Signage
- Online FormApply for Nova Scotia Directional Signage
Parking Permits
- Online FormInquire about parking permits (inquiry/complaint).
Planning & Subdivision Applications
- Online ServiceRequest changes to your land use, modify your registered heritage property, apply for a subdivision approval or zoning confirmation letter, etc.
Sidewalk Café License
- Online ServiceApply for a Sidewalk Café License
Streets and Services Permits
- Online ServiceHere's what you need to know if you are working in the municipal right of way and if you need to run water and sewer.
Temporary Sign Licenses
- Online ServiceApply for a Temporary Sign License