PLANAPP 2023-00673 (Former Case 23188) - Hwy #2, Fall River


This file is currently in the Development Agreement review process. Once this has been completed, staff will begin the process of drafting a staff recommendation report.


Application by KWR Approvals Inc., on behalf of John and Judith MacDonald to enter into a Development Agreement to construct 12 townhouses dwellings on lands located at 3136 & 3124 Hwy #2, Fall River.


The subject property for the proposed Development Agreement is located at 3136 & 3124 Hwy #2, Fall River. The property is designated River-lakes Village Centre Designation of the River-Lakes Secondary Planning Strategy (RLSPS) within the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) for Planning Districts 14 and 17 and is zoned Village Main Street (VMS) under the Land Use By-law (LUB).

The applicant is seeking approval 12 townhouses and to retain occupancy of one residential structure by DA. In order to achieve this the applicant proposes to demolish an office and residential structure on one of the subject properties
Documents have been submitted for the proposal (provided below).


The application will be considered under the Development Agreement process.


This file is currently in the Development Agreement review process. Once this has been completed, staff will begin the process of drafting a staff recommendation report.

Documents Submitted for Evaluation

The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by municipal staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review by contacting the Planner below.

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Shayne Vipond

Planner III

Rural Policy & Applications, Current Planning

Telephone: 902.237.5395

Fax: 902.490.3976

Mailing Address

HRM Planning Applications

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Shayne Vipond