Police issue summary offence tickets for failing to follow Health Protection Act



Halifax Regional Police have issued two summary offence tickets for failing to comply with the regulations set out in the Health Protection Act.

On November 26 at approximately 11:15 p.m., police responded to a report of a large party in the 1000 block of Preston Street in Halifax. Officers observed over 60 people exit the home. A summary offence ticket was issued to a 21-year-old man under section 71 of the Health Protection Act for violating the indoor gathering limit, which carries a fine of $2,422.

On November 27 police responded to a report of a woman at the Halifax Stanfield International Airport who refused to comply with public health requirements for visitors entering Nova Scotia. Officers with the Aviation Security Unit issued a summary offence ticket to a 55-year-old woman under section 71 (1) (b) of the Health Protection Act for failing to comply with the act and its regulations, which carries a fine of $2,422.

HRP is reminding everyone to follow the current public health measures related to the COVID-19 emergency. We strongly advise members of the public to continue to educate themselves on these public health directives and COVID-19 enforcement measures at: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/.

Enforcement of these restrictions remains a vital part of the overall strategy to curb the pandemic.
