ZZap Consulting Inc. is applying for a development agreement to allow for a senior citizen housing development at 445 Winslow Drive, Upper Tantallon (PIDs 41277765 and 41277773).
The applicant had previously applied for a plan amendment and development agreement to allow for a strip-mall style commercial development over three properties including 445 Winslow Drive (Case 22547). Based on the public feedback received, the applicant has withdrawn that application and alternatively applied for a senior citizen housing development.
The applicant wishes to construct a three storey, thirty-one (31) unit residential building designed for senior citizens. The major aspects of the proposal are as follows:
• One building, three storeys, thirty-one (31) units
• Designed for senior citizens (specific standards included in development agreement)
• Driveway access from the northern side of the property, off Winslow Drive
• Surface and underground parking
• Outdoor community amenity space
• The retention of the existing vegetation buffer abutting Hammonds Plains Road
• Location is PIDs 41277765 and 41277773 which would require consolidation prior to approval of a development agreement
The Development Plans (provided below) outline the development proposal as submitted, and include information relating to the proposed building, parking locations, driveway access and an asssessment of goundwater capability. Included below is also a Traffic Impact Study (TIS). The TIS speaks to impacts from commercial uses, as the proposal was initially for a strip-mall style commercial development. The proposal has since changed to only include residential uses which HRM Development Engineering staff determined to be less intensive of a use. An addendum was submitted in December of 2023 to reflect the change in the proposal and include updated traffic data.
The application will be considered under the Development Agreement Approval Process.
Staff have concluded the public engagement on this file and are currently in the Development Agreement preparation and review process. Once this has been completed, Staff will begin the staff report preparation and review process for this file.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by municipal staff to properly evaluate the application. The relevant documents are linked below.
A - Site Plan
B - Elevations
C - Traffic Impact Study
D – Planning Letter
E – Policy Tables
F – Revised Site Plan (August 15th, 2023)
G – Revised Elevations (August 15th, 2023)
H – Revised Floor Plans (August 15th, 2023)
I – Conceptual Rendering (August 15th, 2023)
J – Revised Site Plan (November 9th, 2023)
K – Revised Elevations (November 3rd, 2023)
L – Revised Floor Plans (November 3rd, 2023)
M – Revised Conceptual Rendering (November 3rd, 2023)
N – TIS Addendum (December 20th, 2023)
O - Level 1 and Level 2 Groundwater Assessment
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Mailing Address
HRM Planning and Development
Rural Policy & Applications
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Maureen Ryan