PLANAPP 2023-00942 - 1262 Bedford Highway, Bedford



Application by Fathom, on behalf of the property owner, requesting to enter into a heritage development agreement on the lands at 1262 Bedford Highway, which would allow an 8-storey residential tower.

1262 Bedford Highway, known as ‘Honeycote’, was registered as a heritage property in 2021. Honeycote contains a one-and-a-half storey building that was designed in the classical Vernacular style and was constructed between 1855 and 1858. Character-defining elements of the home include, but are not limited to: 

•    Original 1.5 storey Classical Vernacular building with a symmetrical appearance;
•    Two single-stack brick chimneys located just inside the end walls;
•    Decorative clay chimney pot on left (southwest) chimney;
•    Wood shingle siding;
•    Gable roof with classical return eaves;
•    Window fenestration with double hung six-over-six windows;
•    Two hipped dormers with three coupled windows in sets of three; and,
•    Enclosed porch with hipped roof, original side doors, and pilasters with inverted fluting.

A circa 1920s addition was added to the rear of the building and is not considered to be a character-defining element. 


The applicant has applied to enter into a Development Agreement on the property to permit an 8-storey residential building on a registered heritage property. This development agreement is being considered under the Regional Plan and Bedford Highway Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy.

A key element of the proposal is the relocation, rehabilitation, and preservation of the registered heritage building. The heritage building will be relocated closer to Bedford Highway and incorporated into the new construction with a one-storey breezeway connection between the two buildings.

If approved, the development agreement would allow the property owner to: 

•    Construct an 8-storey residential building to the rear of the existing heritage building.
•    Adaptively reuse the heritage building as amenity space for the residential building. 

If approved, the development agreement would require the property owner to: 

•    Rehabilitate the registered heritage building at Honeycote to its original form and design, including: 
       o    the restoration of original architectural features that have been removed; 
       o    the removal of 1920s addition;
       o    the rehabilitation or replacement in-kind of character-defining elements which have fallen into disrepair, such as windows, doors, structural elements, etc. 

The applicant’s proposal also requires a second application which staff are processing concurrently – a substantial alteration application. This type of application is a heritage-focused application which is required by the Nova Scotia Heritage Property Act when significant changes are proposed to a registered heritage property. The substantial alterations must be reviewed by HRM’s Heritage Advisory Committee and approved by Regional Council.

Both applications must be approved before the applicant can pursue the proposed development.


An Open House was held on April 25, 2024. 6:00 p.m. at the Bedford United Church, 1200 Bedford Highway, Bedford, NS. The substantial alteration application is now being reviewed by staff.

This application must be reviewed by HRM’s Heritage Advisory Committee and approved by Regional Council. Should the application be approved, the development agreement process will continue with staff review and report for Heritage Advisory Committee and North West Community Council’s consideration. Before Community Council can make any decision about the proposal, a public hearing shall be held.

Please check this page and North West Community Council’s website for updates. 


The substantial alteration application for Honeycote was approved by HRM’s Heritage Advisory Committee at their October 8th, 2024, meeting. The recorded presentation can be found here. The substantial alteration application will need to be considered by Regional Council prior to any decision on the development agreement.

Documents Submitted for Evaluation

The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by municipal staff to properly evaluate the application. The details of this application may change before consideration or approval by Regional Council. Updates or changes to the application will be posted on this website. 

A – Heritage Impact Statement
B – Site Plan and Floor Plans
C – Renderings
D – Traffic Impact Study 
E – Preliminary Servicing Schematic 

F - Revised Elevations (Updated: September 13, 2024)

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Alexandria Wilson

Planner II

Housing Accelerator Fund

Telephone: 902.719.9248

Mailing Address

HRM Planning Applications

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Alexandria Wilson (Please identify the Planning App # and address)