On August 6, 2024, the Province of Nova Scotia designated Case 2023-00178 – 1226 Cole Harbour Road and 77 Bissett Road, Cole Harbour, as a Provincial Special Planning Area.
Application by Sunrose Land Use Consulting requesting to enter into a development agreement on lands at 1226 Cole Harbour Road and 77 Bissett Road, Cole Harbour to allow for a long-term care facility with 144 bedrooms and 4 multi unit buildings containing 511 units.
The applicant wishes to develop the property at 1226 Cole Harbour Road and 77 Bissett Road to allow various land uses. The major aspects of the proposal include:
1) A long-term care facility:
- 144 bedrooms
- 113 parking spaces
- 3 storeys in height
2) Four (4) apartment buildings:
- A total of 511 units
- Building heights at 11 to 12 storeys
- Indoor amenity space provided within each building totaling 495m2
- A series of walkways and bike trails throughout the site
- A “village green” which provides 4,138m2 of outdoor amenity space
- Driveway access is shared with the long-term care facility and has entrances from both 77 Bissett Road and 1226 Cole Harbour Road
The Development Plans (provided below) outline the development proposal in detail, and include information related to proposed land uses and buildings, parking locations, driveway access, and landscaping.
The application will be considered under the Development Agreement process.
On August 6, 2024, the Province of Nova Scotia designated Case 2023-00178 – 1226 Cole Harbour Road and 77 Bissett Road, Cole Harbour, as a Provincial Special Planning Area. As such, the staff report and proposed development agreement will be presented to the Executive Panel on Housing for consideration, rather than Harbour East – Marine Drive Community Council.
A public information meeting was held on March 18th, 2024. Meeting notes can be found here. The applicant’s presentation can be found here and the staff presentation can be found here.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office in Downtown Halifax.
- Site Plan (Revised July 2024)
- Transportation Impact Assessment
- Wetlands Report
- Wetland of Special Significance Assessment
- Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan
- Elevations/ Floor Plans (Buildings 1 &4)
- Elevations/ Floor Plans (Building 2)
- Elevations/ Floor Plans (Building 3)
- Renderings
- Servicing Schematic
- Water Feature Assessment (Supplementary)
- NS Geomatics Topographic Mapping
- Topographic Survey
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Mailing Address
HRM Planning Applications
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Matt Conlin