PLANAPP 2024-00177 - 749 Windgate Drive, Beaver Bank


July 16, 2024


On July 15, 2024, North West Community Council approved the application to rezone 749 Windgate Drive, Beaver Bank from MU-1 (Mixed Use 1) zone to I-1 (Mixed Industrial) zone to accommodate an auto repair and sales business use.


Application by UPLAND Planning + Design Studio to rezone 749 Windgate Drive, Beaver Bank from MU-1 (Mixed Use 1) zone to I-1 (Mixed Industrial) zone to accommodate an auto repair and sales business use. 


Application by UPLAND Planning + Design Studio to rezone 749 Windgate Drive, Beaver Bank from MU-1 (Mixed Use 1) zone to I-1 (Mixed Industrial) zone to accommodate an auto repair and sales business use. 

Until recently, the site has been used for the storage of materials, heavy vehicles, and construction equipment. The proposed auto repair and sales business would occupy the existing buildings on the property.

The I-1 zone permits the following uses:

  • Any manufacturing, processing, assembly or warehousing operation which is not obnoxious and which is conducted and wholly contained within a building 
  • Service industries 
  • General contracting storage yards and services 
  • Transport facilities and maintenance yards
  • Heavy machinery sales and service
  • Building materials outlets
  • Greenhouses
  • Existing asphalt plants
  • Trucking, landscaping, excavating and paving services
  • Communication transmission stations
  • Commercial and office uses accessory to permitted industrial uses
  • Cannabis production facilities
  • Agriculture uses
  • Forestry uses
  • Composting operations
  • Single unit dwellings, shared housing use, and mobile dwellings in association with permitted industrial and resource uses
  • Any uses permitted in the General Business (C-2) zone


The application will be considered under the rezoning process.


July 16, 2024

TAKE NOTICE THAT North West Community Council did, on Monday, July 15, 2024, approve the following: 

Case 2024-00177 - Application by UPLAND Planning + Design Studio to rezone 749 Windgate Drive, Beaver Bank from MU-1 (Mixed Use 1) zone to I-1 (Mixed Industrial) zone to accommodate an auto repair and sales business use.

Any aggrieved person, the Provincial Director of Planning, or the Council of any adjoining municipality may, within fourteen days of the publishing of this notice on the HRM website, appeal to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (902.424.4448), in accordance with the provisions of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.

This notice was posted to this site on July 16, 2024 in accordance with the requirements of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.

Documents Submitted for Evaluation

The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office in Downtown Halifax.

Planning Rationale
Map of Existing Conditions
Map of Proposed Conditions
Aerial Photograph
Stormwater Flow Diagram
Septic Plan

Transportation Impact Statement

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Alex Wilson

Planner II

Current Planning

Telephone: 902.719.9248

Mailing Address

HRM Planning Applications

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Alex Wilson