PLANAPP 2024-00428 | Fourth Street | Bedford



Stephen Adams Consulting Services Inc is requesting an amendment to the existing development agreement for PID 41457979 located on Fourth Street, Bedford to allow for an extension of the time period for development commencement and completion.


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The applicant is seeking an amendment in order to extend the time period for commencement and completion of the development to February 19, 2028, and February 19, 2034, respectively. The existing development agreement allows for a four-storey multi-unit residential building with 18 units. 


The application will be considered under the Non-Substantive Amendment to Development Agreement process.



We are currently inviting the public to provide feedback on this application. To submit your feedback or to request further information please contact the planner via the information posted below.

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Kelly Greenland

Planner II

Current Planning

Telephone: 902.497.5088

Mailing Address

HRM Planning Applications

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Kelly Greenland