PLANAPP 2024-01140 - 3 Bartlin Road, Dartmouth



Quest Properties, on behalf of 4450338 Nova Scotia Limited, has applied for non-substantive amendments to existing development agreement at 3 Bartlin Road.


The applicant is requesting non-substantive amendments to the existing development agreement to extend the time limits for commencement and completion times at 3 Bartlin Road in Dartmouth. The major aspects of the proposal are as follows:

  • Extend time of commencement by two (2) years from the date of registration; and
  • Extend time of completion by two (2) years from the date of registration.

The approved development agreement (provided below) outlines the development proposal in detail, and include information related to:

  • Increased the total land area by adding 325A and 327 Prince Albert Road to the development agreement;
  • Two towers up to 42 metres (138 feet) tall on a common podium;
  • Commercial uses at grade facing Prince Albert Road;
  • The number of dwelling units is not specified, however 30% of all dwelling units must have 2 or more bedrooms;
  • Required amenity space of 5.0 m2 per dwelling unit;
  • A combination of surface and underground parking; and
  • A portion of land identified as Block B on Schedule L of the proposed development agreement, and currently part of 3 Bartlin Road, that could be subdivided and developed according to the provisions of the Land Use By-law for the Regional Centre.


The application will be considered under the Non-substantive amendments to a development agreement application process. 


The application is currently in the initial team review portion of the planning application process after having been deemed complete.

Documents Submitted for Evaluation

The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office in Downtown Halifax. 

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Darrell Joudrey

Planner II

Telephone: 902.225.8630

Mailing Address

HRM Planning Applications

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Darrell Joudrey