PLANAPP 2024-01716: 726 Rocky Lake Drive, Bedford



Application requesting to add “automotive and recreation vehicles, parts, & accessories sales and services” as a permitted use within the Light Industrial (ILI) Zone of the Bedford Land Use By-law. 


The applicant is requesting to add “automotive and recreation vehicles, parts, & accessories sales and services” as a permitted use within the Light Industrial (ILI) Zone of the Bedford Land Use By-law.

The business currently operating on this property began before the Bedford Land Use By-law was enacted. The property's zoning does not permit the current use, classifying it as a "non-conforming use" under the Bedford Land Use By-law and the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter. This designation allows the business to continue operating but prohibits any expansion.

The property owner wishes to construct a new dealership building, which would be considered an expansion of the business. As a result, the property owner is requesting that the current use be added as a permitted use under the Bedford Land Use By-law.


The application will be considered under the Land Use By-law Amendment process


A sign will be posted by the applicant on the subject site advertising the intent to amend the Bedford Land Use By-law.   Currently this application is at the review team stage of the process where the request is reviewed by internal municipal staff

Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Dean MacDougall

Planner III

Current Planning

Telephone: 902.240.7085

Mailing Address

HRM Regional Planning

PO Box: 1749,


Nova Scotia,

B3J 3A5

Attention: Dean MacDougall