Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015 (Halifax, NS) – Mayor Mike Savage and members of Halifax Regional Council today accepted the resignation of Chief Administration Officer Richard Butts, who is leaving to pursue a new career opportunity. Mr. Butts will remain with the municipality until Jan. 8, 2016 in a transitional role. During this time, Municipal Solicitor John Traves, Q.C. will assume the authority and responsibilities of the CAO Office.
“I am disappointed to see Richard leave, but top performers will always be attractive to organizations that want the best, and he’s one of the best city managers in the country,” said Mayor Savage. “Since he arrived in 2011, Richard has been driving a culture that highly values accountability, performance and opportunity through all levels of the municipality and he has led significant change for the public good.”
Mr. Butts has also created a highly competent senior management team that will continue the progress of business planning and budget preparations for the coming year, said Mayor Savage.
“We’re in good hands to keep the momentum of growth and prosperity going,” said the mayor.
Regional Council will decide in the new year on next steps for a permanent Chief Administrative Officer.
Mr. Butts will be available to media from 2 p.m. to 3p.m. by appointment. Please contact Breton Murphy, manager of Public Affairs, to coordinate an interview.