Friday, March 11, 2016 (Halifax, NS) – Street tree pruning will begin Monday and continue until Friday on parts of Studley Avenue between South Street and Oakland Road.
This work is in direct response to citizen calls to 311, letting the municipality know tree pruning maintenance is required in their neighbourhood. Regular pruning decreases the chance of power line conflicts and can extend the life and improve the canopy of street trees.
Pruning on Studley Avenue will take place on the east side, or odd numbered side of the street. Crews will be on site from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Studley Avenue will be open to traffic however there will be temporary lane closures. Traffic control personnel will be on site while work is underway.
Parking will not be disrupted on the street but there might be times when residents could be asked to move their vehicles in order to assist crews.
Motorists should expect delays in the area and are encouraged to use alternative routes.
The municipality asks all citizens to call 311 if they see a section of urban forest that needs attention. Input from residents plays a significant role in deciding which trees receive proactive tree pruning activity.